REVDEP(1) General Commands Manual REVDEP(1)

revdepcheck for missing or wrong libraries of installed packages

revdep [-Vehptv] [-L ldsoconffile] [-D pkgdbfile] [-R revdepdir] [-I pkgname[,...]] [pkgname ...]

The revdep utility checks for missing or wrong libraries of installed packages using elfutils' libelf and the same algorithm that uses.

The options are as follows:

ldsoconffile, --ldsoconf=ldsoconffile
Specify an alternate location for file instead of the default /etc/ That file contains a list of directories, one per line, in which to search for libraries.

: This option is ignored on non-glibc systems.

pkgdbfile, --pkgdb=pkgdbfile
Specify an alternate location for the package database file instead of the default /var/lib/pkg/db.
revdepdir, --revdepdir=revdepdir
Specify an alternate location for revdep package configuration directory instead of the default /etc/revdep.d. See Additional Library Directories below for details.
pkgname[,...], --ignore=pkgname[,...]
Comma-separated list of packages to ignore.
, --erroneous
Include erroneous files in the output.
, --precise
Include precise file errors in the output.
, --trace
Show debug/trace.
, --verbose
Formatted listing.
, --version
Print version and exit.
, --help
Print help and exit.

Upon startup, revdep searches the /etc/revdep.d directory for files named after packages. If any are found, any directories (assumed to be absolute paths and delimited by newlines) within the file are added to a list of package specific directories to search if a library dependency is not found in one of the many standard locations (as specified by

If a package is discovered to have a library dependencies that are in a non-standard directory /usr/lib/firefox then a file named firefox should be created under /etc/revdep.d with a single line containing /usr/lib/firefox. This will tell revdep where to find Firefox's when looking for its library dependencies, reducing one source of false positives. Ideally, this file would be included with the package's own packaging as well.

There are no missing libraries found. All is ok.
Failed to parse command-line arguments.
Failed to read package database.
Failed to read
Found at least one missing library.

Try this command to list broken packages:


Use this command to rebuild broken packages on your system:

pkgman update -fr `revdep`

The original implementation of revdep as a shell script was done by Johannes Winkelmann <>, the member of CRUX Team, as part of “prt-utils” package. The C++ rewrite was done by James Buren <> with design contribution by Danny Rawlins <>.

This implementation was re-worked for Zeppe-Lin by Alexandr Savca <>.

June 19, 2024 Zeppe-Lin