PKGMK.CONF(5) File Formats Manual PKGMK.CONF(5)

pkgmk.confconfiguration file for pkgmk


This manual page describes the format of the pkgmk.conf file. This file is a simple shell file that configures pkgmk(8). The file consists of a number of variable assignments of the form “option=value”. Comments can be specified by putting a hash (‘#’) symbol as the first character on the line.

If some option is not used (commented out or not included in the configuration file at all) pkgmk(8) will take a default action.

The configuration options are as follows:

Set C compiler options. Unset by default.
Set C++ compiler options. Unset by default.
Set the number of commands to run simultaneously when building a package. Unset by default.
Set make(1) options. Unset by default.
=⟨URI ...⟩
Set mirrors to check and download source archives from. If the URI contains space symbol, replace it by ‘%20’. Unset by default.
Set directory for downloaded source archives. By default, the current directory where Pkgfile is located.
Set directory for built packages. By default, the current directory where Pkgfile is located.
Set directory for building packages. By default “foo/work”, where foo is the current directory where Pkgfile is located.
=⟨yes | no⟩
Download the source archives if necessary. By default is set to “no”.
=⟨aria2c | curl | wget⟩
Use specified program to download source archives. By default is set to “curl”.
Additional options for aria2c(1), which is used by pkgmk(8) to download all files. Unset by default.
Additional options for curl(1), which is used by pkgmk(8) to download all files. Unset by default.
Additional options for wget(1), which is used by pkgmk(8) to download all files. Unset by default.
=⟨yes | no⟩
Perform a footprint check of the built package. By default is set to “no”.
=⟨yes | no⟩
Perform a md5sum check of the source archives. By default is set to “no”.
=⟨yes | no⟩
Ignore new files in a footprint mismatch. By default is set to “no”.
=⟨yes | no⟩
If set to “no”, pkgmk(8) will strip built binaries. By default is set to “no”.
=⟨gz | bz2 | xz | lz⟩
Option to select the mode used to compress the packages. By default is set to “gz”.

Configuration file for pkgmk(8).

# /etc/pkgmk.conf: pkgmk(8) configuration
# See pkgmk.conf(5) for more information.

export CFLAGS="-O2 -march=x86-64 -pipe -fdiagnostics-color=always"
export JOBS=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
export MAKEFLAGS="-j $JOBS"

case $PKGMK_ARCH in
        export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -m32"
        export CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -m32"
        export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -m32"
        export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="/usr/lib32/pkgconfig"
        echo "Unknown architecture selected! Exiting."
        exit 1

# End of file.

Pkgfile(5), pkgmk(8)

September 6, 2023 Zeppe-Lin