PKGMAN-PRINTF(1) General Commands Manual PKGMAN-PRINTF(1)

pkgman-printfprint formatted list of available packages

pkgman printf [--sort=format] [--regex] [--filter=expr] format

Print formatted list of available packages. It looks in all packages sources directories specified in /etc/pkgman.conf as “pkgsrcdir” argument.

The options are as follows:

The format string (see below) that is used to sort the output.
Interpret --filter argument as a regular expression.
Filter listing package names by expr. The --filter argument may be the string, wildcard in fnmatch(3) format, or regex in regex(3) format.
The string that contains variables, which are replaced like this:

%n name
%p path
%v version
%r release number
%d description
%e dependencies
%u URL
%P packager
%M maintainer
%R has README yes/no
%A has pre-install yes/no
%B has post-install yes/no
%C has pre-remove yes/no
%D has post-remove yes/no
%l is locked yes/no
%i is installed yes/no/diff

The “diff” replacement for “%i” (is installed) variable means the package is installed and different package version is available in the packages sources directories.

0 if success, 255 if packages not found.

September 9, 2023 Zeppe-Lin