PKGMAN-INSTALL(8) System Manager's Manual PKGMAN-INSTALL(8)

pkgman-installinstall packages

pkgman install [-v | -vv] [--test] [--log] [--deps] [--force] [--group] [--margs=pkgmk_args | pkgmk_aliases] [--aargs=pkgadd_args | pkgadd_aliases] [--ignore=pkgname[,...]] [--install-scripts | [--pre-install][--post-install]] pkgname ...

Install all packages in the listed order. It looks in all packages sources directories specified in /etc/pkgman.conf as “pkgsrcdir” argument.

The options are as follows:

Log to stdout the installation process.
Dry run, do not actually install anything.
Create a transaction log file. It can be set globally for all transactions (see “writelog” option in pkgman.conf(5)).
Install all packages in the listed order including their dependencies.
Skip installation of already installed package(s). Just ignore the package and install next in the listed order. At the end of installation procedure, all skipped packages will be in the report.
Install all packages in the listed order, but stop if installation of one package fails. This can be used to install packages where depends on .
Arguments to be passed to pkgmk(8).
Force build, implies “pkgmk -f” (same as “-margs=-f”).
Update md5sum, implies “pkgmk -um” (same as “-margs=-um”).
Ignore md5sum, implies “pkgmk -im” (same as “-margs=-im”).
Update footprint, implies “pkgmk -uf” (same as “-margs=-uf”).
Ignore footprint, implies “pkgmk -if” (same as “-margs=-if”).
No stripping, implies “pkgmk -ns” (same as “-margs=-ns”).
Keep working directory, implies “pkgmk -kw” (same as “-margs=-kw”).
Arguments to be passed to pkgadd(8).
, -i
Force install, implies “pkgadd -f” (same as “-aargs=-f”).
Do not install those packages, even if they are listed as dependency.
Execute pre-install and post-install script if they are there.
Execute pre-install script if it is there.
Execute post-install scripts if it is there.
September 9, 2023 Zeppe-Lin