PKGMAN-DEP(1) General Commands Manual PKGMAN-DEP(1)

pkgman-depprint dependencies for a package

pkgman dep [-v | -vv] [--path] [--all] [--tree] [--recursive] [--full] pkgname

Print dependencies for a package. It looks in all packages sources directories specified in /etc/pkgman.conf as “pkgsrcdir” argument.

The options are as follows:

Show package version in the listing.
Show package version and description in the listing.
Show package source path in the listing.
List all packages, not only installed.
Print a nicely indented tree of the package dependencies.
Print a recursive list of dependencies. In case --tree was specified, subtrees already shown are marked with “-->” to save some space. If --tree option wasn't specified, dependencies already shown are not displayed. In order to show them all, add the --full option.
If --recursive option was set, show all dependencies.
September 9, 2023 Zeppe-Lin