MKINITRAMFS.CMDLINE(7) Miscellaneous Information Manual MKINITRAMFS.CMDLINE(7)

mkinitramfs.cmdlinemkinitramfs' kernel command-line parameters

The mkinitramfs(8) utility provides a way to control configuration dynamically via kernel parameters without needing to regenerate initramfs image.

=⟨0 | 1⟩
Enable debug mode.

Specify breakpoint where shell should be invoked. Useful for debugging.

List of builtin breakpoints:

• boot
• root

Hooks can provide their own breakpoints. See source code of hooks for more information.

=⟨UUID | LABEL | /dev/* | PARTUUID⟩
Specify which way initramfs will use to look up root filesystem.

Lookup device by uuid.
Lookup device by label.
Lookup device by full path.
Lookup device by partition uuid.

Initramfs must contain utility for ability to use UUID, LABEL, PARTUUID. : PARTUUID only supported in ' blkid(8).

Explicitly set root filesystem type. Kernel must support specified type.

Specify maximum number of seconds to wait for root device instead of the default 30 seconds.

See fstab(5) fourth field.

Initramfs must contain appropriate hooks for ability to use below parameters.

The parameters for LVM hook are as follows:

Specify LVM tag which will be used to trigger LVM.

This option will be ignored if lvm_name/lvm_group was specified.

Specify LVM name which will be used to trigger LVM.

lvm_group (see below) must be specified.

Specify LVM group which will be used to trigger LVM.
=⟨0 | 1⟩
Pass to LVM. Leave empty to disable. Useful for SSD's.

The parameters for LUKS hook are as follows:

Specify which name will be registered to mapping table after cryptsetup(8) unlocks LUKS root.
=⟨UUID | LABEL | /dev/* | PARTUUID⟩
See root (above) for details.
=⟨0 | 1⟩
Pass “--allow-discards” to cryptsetup(8). Leave empty to disable.

Useful for SSD's, but you must know that security will be decreased.

Specify root option argument:

vmlinuz initrd=\initramfs root=/dev/sda1 [...]

Disable “discards” for LUKS and LVM:

vmlinuz initrd=\initramfs luks_discard= lvm_discard= [...]

Pass arguments to real init:

vmlinuz initrd=\initramfs [...] -- arguments

mkinitramfs.config(5), mkinitramfs.hooks(7), mkinitramfs(8)

May 22, 2024 Zeppe-Lin